Hello Everyone,
It’s hard to believe we are in June already!
As the mornings are starting to get a bit chilly, we will be swapping to our winter routine where we will stay inside until after morning tea and then we will have a play outside when it’s a bit warmer. A change in the children’s routine can sometimes make them a little unsettled at drop off but this is

completely normal and we will use strategies to help them settle quickly. We will also be coming inside earlier in the evenings but can you please ensure that you pack shoes and warmer clothes. Friday the 23rd of July is Pajama Dress Up Day so we will all be toasty and warm that day.

The children are really starting to find their voices and are learning new sounds and words every day. We have lots of photos around the room so that they can learn their friends names. They have also shown an interest in learning animals and their sounds
We try to imbed Aboriginal culture into our daily routine as much as possible. 4-10 July is NAIDOC Week and it will see us celebrate and embrace the Aboriginal culture even more with a variety of play based experiences to help us extend on our knowledge of their heritage and traditions.

We have recently had a few children turn the big 2! Unfortunately our Waratah Room is full so there is not space to transition these children up as of yet. However we program for each child’s individual needs and development stages and are fortunate enough to have an abundance or resources to allow us to do this.
So even though your child for the time being is unable to move rooms, their needs are still able to be identified and met.
If you have any concerns please see Tanya or myself. That’s all for now.
Hayley and Katherine
GCIT Children’s Centre