The end of the year is well and truly here with a lot of happenings here in the centre and I cannot believe it is that time of the year and there are Christmas decorations already in the shops.
You will be receiving in your pockets your request form for bookings for 2022. I will do my best to ensure that you all receive the days that you request, and I will confirm your bookings in writing in late November/early December. Don’t forget that we need you to fill out the emergency contact form, so we have up to date contact details for you.
Please remember to keep us updated on your child’s immunisation details. There is an extensive range of information regarding immunization in the foyer. If you would like a copy of any of the information, please see myself and I can photocopy the relevant information. I would also like to remind you of the Centre’s exclusion policy of vaccine preventable diseases. A copy of this policy is on the notice board in the foyer for you to read. Please note that you are required to give the centre a copy of your child’s immunization history statement to the centre.
Don’t forget that the centre will be closed for 2 weeks between Christmas and New Year (dates down below). (We do not charge for the 2 weeks we are closed over Christmas).
I would also like to remind parents that fee’s must be kept up to date at all times. All fee’s need to be paid in full before we close on Friday 17th of December.
We can never have enough paper for the children to draw on etc. so we are always happy to take any unwanted paper that you may have at home.
Important Dates To Remember
11th to 17th of October – Nutrition Week
31st of October – National Grandparents Day
1st of November – Enrolment forms for 2022 due back
8th to the 13th of November – National Recycling Week
11th of November – Remembrance Day
15th to the 19th November – National Nursery Rhyme Week
17th December to 4th January – Centre closed. Reopens Tuesday the 4th of January 2022.
End Of Year Happenings
2021 has certainly been challenging for us all, yet again. At this stage we are unable to lock in a Christmas BBQ as we normally do due to these uncertain times. We will be planning a Christmas party with the children and having Santa visit but it may be done without any parents. Let’s hope Queensland’s vaccination rates continue to rise which will enable us to be able to get back to a more normal way of life. I will keep everyone informed as to what will be happening.
Don’t forget you can order a USB of Photo’s of your child’s time here at the centre this year.
The USB costs $20.00 or if you have two children in the centre $30.00
Please hand your order form back into the office or see Tanya.
Until next time, Tanya