

Everlasting Daisies Room

Welcome to 2021.

What an amazing group of children who came to play at Vacation Care. They have certainly grown and listening to their conversations, are ready for a new exciting year at school.

It is always pleasure to experience their creativity with craft. Imagination with their construction of a massage parlour. Respect whilst working together

Please ensure your child has their hat everyday.
Remember to sign your child out each day.

in the sandpit. Sustainability skills when composting, growing seedlings and recycling plastic bottles.

Thank you for coming to Vacation Care at GCIT. I hope to see you all in the Easter Holidays.

After School Care.

The year is certainly travelling at full speed. This year we welcome new Prep students-Jiselle, Samantha, Byron, Harriet, Vivienne and David. We also would like to welcome the following students from Years1! to 6 – Juho, Juhan, Arnold , Harry and Sarah from Bellevue Park State School. It is always a pleasure to make new friends and meet new families.

We are very fortunate this year, to have access to inside and outside environments. This results in the children being able to participate in a range of freely chosen play and leisure opportunities with enthusiasm, curiosity and energy experiences in a safe, secure and supported environment.

The children guide our program of activities and welcome any ideas of activities they wish to explore while at After School Care.


Knowing how important family time is, the children have taken it upon themselves to request time and Ipads to do homework. For those who would like to do reading, a quiet area will be put aside. This gives them the opportunity to have more quality time with mum and dad.


  • As health and safety are an important lesson to teach the children, I ask you to please ensure your child has a hat for After School Care. (It does not have to be a school hat.) Sun cream is provided.
  • Please bring along your own Water Bottle.

When collecting your child/ren please sign them out on the roll and have them come say good bye so I know they are safe.



Our Rooms

Waterlillies Room

6 weeks to 2 years

Waratah Room

2 to 3 years

Banksia Room

3 to 5 years

Everlasting Daisies Room

5 to 12 Years