The children have settled well into their new rooms and our new children are settling well into the Centre.
A reminder that the Centre also has a Facebook page GCIT Children’s Centre please like us on Facebook to get reminders of happening in the Centre and photo’s of your child.
Also please don’t forget to check your children’s pockets in their room as they contain more information about centre happenings.
Attached to this newsletter is a fact sheet about some important safety practices in the centre. I ask that you take the time to read this and adhere to safe practices.
We value the input that you as parents have and welcome any input that you can contribute to the Centre. This can be done in many ways and if you have a special talent or ideas that you would like to share please come and see myself or any of the staff. Your input is also used in our planning so please contribute by completing the weekend sheets. You can also email the Centre and we can print out photos for you. Please see the staff in your room for more information.
International Day/Taste of
Harmony Week of 21st March
The Centre is participating in Taste of Harmony week which looks at the diverse cultures we have in Australia and multicultural foods.

Upcoming Dates to Remember
Friday 1st March Holly’s will participate for Clean Up Australia Day
13 – 20 March Coeliac Awareness Week
Week of 21 March International Day/Taste of Harmony
Tuesday 21st March International Nowruz Day (Persian New year)
Tuesday 23rd March Dress Up day in your traditional clothing.
Due to Covid we will be doing things a little different this year. I ask that you bring in a traditional recipe from your home culture and we will include these in our menu for the week. Izumi will have lots of fun cooking your recipes.
On Tuesday 23rd March we will be having a dress up day where we ask you to come dressed in your traditional clothing.

We are looking for donations of any paper that you may have for the children to draw on, paint.
Until next month

Quality Improvement Plan
Located on the notice board in the foyer is a copy of our Quality Improvement Plan. As a centre we are always looking to improve on all areas of our practice to ensure that we can give your child the very best possible care.
I ask that you take the time to have a look at the areas and if you have