
August / September 2021

Waratah Room

Hello Everyone,

We hope that you have all made it through the mid point of the year well. It is lovely to see our days warming up, the mornings can still be quite chilly so please keep packing warm layers.

When lockdown is over our curriculum will be greatly influenced by events in our calendar including  Dental health week beginning August 2nd your child brushes his or her teeth everyday after rest time with individual toothbrushes and toothpaste provided by kindy (these are sterilised every Friday). Through out the year we emphasise healthy eating and practices but this week concentrates fully on caring for our teeth.


Dental Week

We have been focusing on teaching the children the importance good dental hygiene. They have been brushing their teeth daily after rest. The centre provides an age appropriate toothpaste and tooth brush. We have also been offering the children play-based experiences that encourage healthy eating and developing understanding of a dentist’s role in our health. Exposing the children to these experiences creates familiarity for them and they are more likely to form healthy habits when they are older.

National Science Week from the 14th – 21st August. During this time the children will be able to explore, engage and immerse themselves in science experiments as well.

Book Week: Book week falls from August 21-27.  We will be reading a lot of our favourite  stories and exploring ways to bring these stories in to other areas of learning and play.  We encourage you to take advantage of our  parent library outside the kitchen in the foyer. 



Father’s Day:

We are hoping that Covid won’t get in the way of us hosting our Father’s Day breakfast, if we able to Dad, grandad’s and uncles are invited to a sit down breakfast with their child to say thank you to the special men in our lives.  We hope to see you there.

There are a few dress up days/fundraising days to look forward too.

Wednesday 8th of September

Superhero Day, come dressed as your favourite superhero to raise money for research and services supporting Muscular Dystrophy. 

Monday the 20th of September

Footy Colours Day is a national fundraising campaign held during the month of September to support kids living with cancer. You can dress up in any code’s colours.

Please bring in gold coin donations for these  worthy causes.


Friday 6th of August is Jeans for Genes Day.  This charity’s mission is to support families and children with birth defects or incurable genetic diseases. 


As always if you have any questions, queries or concerns please see myself or Tanya.

Anne, Gabby and Eva


Our Rooms

Waterlillies Room

6 weeks to 2 years

Waratah Room

2 to 3 years

Banksia Room

3 to 5 years

Everlasting Daisies Room

5 to 12 Years